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It's an ideal opportunity to learn why Protein is so important for our body and how it maintain a healthy weight, build muscle and keep your body functioning properly.

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What is protein ?

Focus on the word "Protein" it comes from greek language meaning "primary importance" . We know that protein is a macronutrient. 
Protein is made up of amino acids, commonly known as building blocks of our body, because they are attached in  long chains and consider a "macronutrient" meaning that you need large amount of it to stay healthy and fit.

Deep inside of protein.

To truly understand, why protein is so important , let's  dig a little deeper. Protein is built from of amino acids, which are typically called “the building blocks of life.” Amino acids are broken up into two groups: Essential and nonessential.

Essential amino acids: These are amino acids that the body can't produce by itself, so we must consume them in our diet or by supplements.

Nonessential amino acids: The body is able to produce the nonessential amino acids by itself. 

Why Protein is important ?

Here are 10 science based reasons for eat enough Protein.

1. Gain muscle mass and increase strength

 Protein is building block of your body. 
Increased Protein intake contributes to greater strength and gain Muscle Mass when coupled with resistance training (weight training). 
Numerous studies shows that increasing protein intake promotes Muscle growth and reducing muscle loss during weight loss.

If you are physically active, doing workout, lifting weights or trying to gain muscle mass then you need to make sure you're getting enough protein.

2. Good for bones health

Protein can positively impact on bone health by increasing muscle mass, increasing calcium absorption. In addition to calcium and vitamin D, dietary protein represent key nutrients for bone health and prevention from osteoporosis in women after menopause. It also helps in increasing bone density. 

3. Boosts Metabolism and promotes fat burning

Protein helps in boosts your Metabolism. It increases your metabolic rate by 15-30%. Protein helps you burn more calories around the clock even in during sleep. Due to high thermic effect and several other factors, a high protein intake tends to boosts Metabolism.
In one study, a high protein diet helps you to burn 200+ more calories per day which helps in burning fat fastly.
There is a term called super food. These foods have numerous benefits for health and fitness.
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4. Helps in weight loss

If you have a high protein diet, you feel fuller and not eat extra calories. And a high protein diet boosts Metabolism and leads to an automatic reduction in calorie intake.
In a study found that a overweight women who ate their 30% of calories from protein lost almost 5kg in just 12 weeks without any strict diet plan.
Increasing your protein intake can not only help you to lose weight but Keep it off  in the long term.
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5. Reduce appetite (Hunger)

The three macronutrient- carbs, fats and protein influence your body in various manner.
Research shows that protein is far by the most filling. It encourages you feel all the more full With less food.
Protein can decrease appetite and hunger in two ways. Firstly, it increases levels of appetite reducing hormone like GLP-1 , PYY and CCK, while reducing levels of hunger hormone ghrelin. And secondly, protein helps you make fuller which helps in reducing your daily calorie intake.

6. Fast recover after injury

Your body needs protein to build and repair muscle, skin, hair and other body tissues. When you have an injury or a wound that's healing, think food is like a medicine. Eat a adequate amount of protein from your diet helps in recovery and fasten the healing process. 

Vitamin C helps in repair your skin tissues faster. And vitamin A B D and iron, calcium, copper are very important vitamin and minerals for body recovery after injury.

7. Reduce craving

Craving can Be incredibly hard to control. Late night craving is different from a normal hunger . One of the best way to reduce craving is increase your protein intake. 
In one study found that men who increase their protein intake by 25%, they reduce craving by 60% and desire of late night snack by half.

8. Don't harm your kidneys

While helping a client figure out how much protein to eat, it is important to keep in mind that too much protein intake can be harmful for anyone with kidney damage or any kind of kidney disease. 

effects of protein on kidneys, protein intake how much protein is recommended , daily dosage of protein

There is no evidence to suggest that protein shakes could lead to kidney damage in healthy people.

9. Regulation

Protein plays an important role in hormone regulation , especially during the transformation and development of cells during puberty.

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10. Stay fit as you age 

Eating more protein is the best ways to to reduce age related muscle loss. It also prevent sarcopenia.

With sufficient protein intake and doing weight lifting and resistance training can work wonder to your body.

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